martes, 26 de septiembre de 2017

Json Web Token

Json Web Token

This is a new tecnology on the world which give us a new security way to make sure our conoctions by API to connect and share information with the server.

Of course, this work with JSON tecnology to set data to front-end or mobile app, and for this reason we can create a server and work with this one for all tecnologies with which we would like to create software or apps.

As you can see on the image, this tecnology has an standard on the world which means we can use it without problems at the moment to integrate with other tools or tecnologies. Of course, all of them must use it but as you can think, it is too common include it.

Another importante thing is at the time to create software with roles, The JWT tecnologie has a space to scopes, which  allow us add permissions since server to render information on the front-end app.

Of course, you can check more tecnique information on the Oficial Web Page

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